Javier has two sisters. Yosselin who is 17 and sulmi who is 12. Boy are they sisters. They remind me of my sister and me growing up. Mikal´side of the room was always clean . Yosselins side of the room is always clean. sulmis side always a mess. As well as mine (was). I walked into there room the other day and all of sulmis clothes were piled on her bed. I felt my necklace and quickly thought of my sister. Memories came back like it was yesterday. I remember sleeping at night and my sister throwing all my clothes that were on the floor onto my bed, which I was sleepning in at the moment. I would jump out of bed as mad as a boiling pot, swing my arms down the steps into my parents room. MOM, DAD, do you know what mikal is doing ? lol. I look back now and think its funny! I have always wanted a little bit of mikals order in my life and I think she is coming around to wanting a little bit of me in her life. I think with this 4th stinky on the way, she just might! And with me living in Honduras, I have nothing to do but clean. I love mikal!
Now for my other (sister) who married into our crazy family! The relationship between me and Yosselin is sweet. It reminds me of the realtionship i have with my sister in law amy. If I had two words to describe amy it would be encouraging and giving . She had encouraged me to be the same to my sister in laws. Amy you have set a great example in the words that you have spoken over the years!I want to be the same for my sister in laws! We were going to a party this past week. she wore one of my dresses. As she was picking through them, I quickly thought of you amy ! Thank you for being so giving! I love you!
Sulmi is 12 and my big helper! she loves holding Elijah all the time, and helping me with anything I need. She is sweet and very funny all the time. I think back when I was that age. She is molding into the woman that she will be!
I love all the sisters in my life. That are by blood and by marriage. I will forever be your sister ! much love from honduras!
Word of the day : aragana = Lazy
This word is a family joke daily!
Love you mom and dad .....and HUNTER