Thursday, December 22, 2011

It takes a village!

The saying it takes a village to raise your children is very true here. Everything we do is by hand, freshly grown, freshly picked, and freshly cooked! Our laundry is washed by hand and hung to dry. Between crying baby, stinky baby, hungry baby, just want to be held baby. It truly takes a village. Thats one thing about the spanish culture I am understanding more is why they are so family oriented. Most kids don´t there own bed to sleep in so the children sleep in there parents bed. Elijah has been in ours. Our box with his bed comes hopefully today. And also everyone has to take care of the baby to survive. Much love to my family. I need to go makes tortillas for lunch! adios

Word of the day: gallo= rooster

The double ll makes a y sound


  1. awesome spanish word of the day

  2. proud of you sis! keep up the good work and kiss that baby for me... make sure you tell him it's from his favorite tia!! =)

  3. We need another spanish word today!
