Monday, December 19, 2011

We are here!

We are here safe and sound. Our travels were easy, thank goodness! Saying goodbye to my family was very hard. (love ya´ll) like I kept saying we just need to rip the band aid off, instead of slowly pealing. It has been ripped and it does not feel very good. I miss everyone greatly! On the flip side, it has been a great joy seeing Javier see his family after 8 years. Many tears,smiles,hugs,laughter and un-belief. Most have asked when I will be leaving for the USA, when they hear my response , they don´t believe me. Yes I am staying with my husband! Javier has a cousin, she stands about 2 feet away from me or closer and just stares for a VERY long time . It seems to be the thing to do! Elijah is very happy, he loves everyone! I have so much to say , but it is late! will catch up soon! much love to my family and friends! I am safe!


  1. by the way, your blog won't let me follow you...until that's fixed, i just want you to know that i am, even if you don't see my picture.

    love ya!
